How to hear the voice of God
The major key to learning to hear God’s voice, is knowing that God desires to speak to you. He longs for a deep, intimate relationship with you. Not just a rational relationship, based on theory but a heart to heart relationship.
God loves you dearly. His heart is longing to have an intimate friendship with you. Not just a rational mind-connection, but your heart connected to His heart. Like two beloved who look eachother in the eyes.
I want to go deep in you, says God.
Deep in your heart.
And I want you to go deep in Me, says God,
deep in My heart.
I want to share my heart, my feelings,
my thoughts with you.
I don’t just want to have a superficial,
religious relationship with you.
No, I long to show you who I truly am.
I want you to know me, deeply, with your heart,
not only with the theories you have heard about Me.
Therefor I show you My hearts desire
to communicate with you, to speak to you,
to learn you to hear My voice.
But how is that possible? That is the question we all have of course. Here are some keys that will help you.
The first key is: know Jesus Christ, the Son of God as your savior and Lord.
He came to die for you as a sacrifice for your sins that hinder you from having intimate fellowship with God. Jesus Christ came to break this wall of sin away. He is the open door to relationship with God, who is a Father who loves you and longs for you to come home in His arms of love.
The second key is: turn away from the darkness of this world, break with anything that is sinful, lust, lying, dishonest, mean, evil, etc.
Break away from the sin of your former life without Jesus Christ. Choose to live in the light of God. This is very important. Don’t think you will be able to hear the voice of God accurately if you still live under the shadow of sin and darkness. Be holy for He is holy. Live in His light. Be radical, be pure, be honest, break away sin from your heart and life. If needed, ask people for help to break the chains of satan over your life. Jesus Christ calls you to a pure life, in His light.
The third key is: get baptized in water, as a sign of your new life with God.
Jesus let Himself be baptized before He began His ministry, so we need it as well. The baptism in water is much more than a symbolic act, it is a supernatural reality that does something radically in you. It is the death of your old life without the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of your brand new life in Jesus, as a beloved child of God. So get baptized!
Fourth step: be baptized in the holy Spirit, through the laying on of hands by other Spirit filled Christians.
The whole revelation of the New Testament is that God wants to dwell in us, live in us, be among us. He does not live in buildings, tempels, walls, He lives in people! He wants you to be His holy habitation, the place where He lives with His glory and presence. The baptism in the Spirit of God makes you a dwelling place for the presence of God. It is a lie that everyone who believes in Jesus Christ is baptized in the Holy Spirit.
The Bible clearly shows that there were Christians who believed in Jesus Christ, who were baptized in water, but they had not received the Holy Spirit yet (see Acts 19:1-7). The apostle Paul then layed hands on them, and they were filled to overflow and started praying in tongues and prophesying. These are the two gifts of the Spirit of God that release the voice of God!
So there are four basic steps:
Believe that Jesus Christ is the savior and Lord over your life.
Break with every form of darkness and sin in your life.
Get baptized in water, as a sign of your new life.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
When you know these steps have been taken, then the next main key is to relax. When we try too hard to hear God’s voice, we become tense, and make it hard for us to hear His voice.
He is with you and He is in you.
So relax and enjoy His presence. And know that He desires to help you hear His voice, His soft whispers. He is so full of love for you…
Journalling is very helpful
What helps many people is this:
Sit behind your computer or take a sheet of paper.
Focus on Jesus.
Become relaxed.
Start writing spontaneously.
This is called ‘journalling’. What you do, is let the holy Spirit speak through you, without letting your carnal mind get in the way, that wants to analyze everything.
Just sit, rest, focus on Jesus and start to write, without thinking. You can always test it later.
When you believe in Jesus Christ and have been baptized in the Spirit, then HIS PRESENCE IS INSIDE OF YOU. So it is easy to let God speak through you. But you need to let go of your rational, carnal control. Don’t try to analyze what is happening.
Stop controlling yourself. Just surrender and let the words come as a river.
Write, let your fingers type or write on the paper, let it flow spontanuously… And when you feel it is done, start reading it.
People tend to think pretty negative about themselves. When you read words that are suddenly very positive, very loving, very uplifting, you know for sure that is God who is speaking to you.
The key is to focus on Jesus Christ and let the words come like a river. Don’t think, don’t hesitate, just let the words come like a flow.
The same goes for singing, painting, dancing… The river of the holy Spirit is inside of you, says Jesus Christ in the gospel of John. The river of living water comes forth from your belly. Just learn to let it flow spontanuously, in whatever way.
When you gave your life to Jesus Christ, you became the dwelling place for God. That is the basic revelation of the New Testament: God lives in you. So it is not hard at all to let Him speak.
Did God stop speaking?
Some Christians say God stopped speaking when the Bible was written. That is a serious deception, because the voice of God has been released more then ever before, since the holy Spirit was poured out.
What is the New Testament hallmark of the holy Spirit? Praying in tongues and prophecy.
Whenever people in the New Testament were filled with the Spirit, they eighter prophecied or prayed in tongues. Both are the same thing: GOD IS SPEAKING THROUGH US. The voice of God exploded among man, since Pentecost!
The Bible says:
‘If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God.’ (1 Peter 4:11)
Jesus also said:
‘But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.’ (Marc 13:11)
God clearly says in His Word: LET ME SPEAK THROUGH YOU! Don’t try to make it up, but let Me speak!
This is a basic truth of the New Testament. The voice of God is so crucially important in the Kingdom of God in this time, that the Bible even says that the gift of prophecy is more important than any other spiritual:
‘Earnestly desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.’ (1 Corinthians 14:1)
So the idea that God does not speak anymore, goes against some of the most basic and most important truths of the New Testament: if you speak, let God speak through you (1 Peter 4:11), and earnestly desire the gift of prophecy (1 Cor. 14:1). God is a person, not a statue. He wants to be heard today.